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March 8, 2022

Breaking the Bias as a Woman in Tech

Shanique Ashers
Customer Success Analyst

First, I want to start off by saying Happy Women’s International Day! As a woman working in tech, I wanted to share my story with the hope that it will help inspire others to #breakthebias and pursue careers in STEM. While women now play many roles in these traditionally male-dominated industries, we still have a long way to go.

Growing up I was always interested in math and science, and aspired to be a registered nurse (RN) just like my grandmother. But when I asked her about her career and began to understand more about it, it just didn’t appeal to me as something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. That’s when I decided to learn more about the fields of information technology and computer programming. Noting the lack of women in this field, I decided that it was a challenge worth pursuing, and a career that I could take pride in. It’s no surprise that from the time I started college, and throughout my career, I’ve often been the only woman in the room. It hasn’t always been easy but I’ve never let it get in the way of pursuing my goals. This ultimately led me to my role as a customer success analyst at AaDya Security.

When people ask about my career and I tell them I work in cybersecurity, I often hear, “I bet there aren’t that many women in your field.” While this is unfortunately true, it also makes me proud to be working in a field in which I can truly make a difference. I’m also proud to work for an organization that values diversity and team collaboration. Being a woman in technology is a huge honor and I want to continue gaining knowledge through my work and share it with others.

So remember, just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean you aren’t capable of taking on roles and making an impact in male dominated industries. Stand up ladies and be proud of who you are and all of your accomplishments. I know that I am, and I instill the same values into my children.

Thank you for listening!

- Shanique